Steel Building Manufacturer’s Association of Bangladesh
Check List for Membership Application
Please attach of following documents (Copy):
- Company Trade License
- Factory Trade License
- e-TIN Certificate
- e-VAT Registration Certificate
- 2 Nos. Passport size photograph (MD/Chairman/Owner of the Company)
- Completion Certificate at least 02 (Two) projects (not less than 40,000 sft.)
- Factory Layout (Approved by Union Porishad or Pouroshova or City Corporation)
- (a) Certificate of Incorporation (If Limited Co.)
(b) Partnership Agreement (If Partnership Co.) - The nature of business must be specified in the trade license.
- Machineries List with photograph (Format Enclosed)
- Photograph of Factory Building (Outside -2 & Inside – 2)
- Application form Tk. 5000/- (Non Refundable)
- New Membership Fee Tk. 50,000/- If your company Selected as a Member of SBMA (1 time)
- Yearly Subscription Fee Tk. 60,000/- (Per Year)
If fulfill the above (Sl. No. 1 to 13) then you collect Membership Application Form & submit it for the same.
Address :
House No. 59 (Flat No. C-5), Road No. 01
Block-I, Banani, Chairman Bari (Near Banani Club), Dhaka.
(Golam Mostafa)
Manager Operation
Cell No. 01727333811